Examples to come soon.
Power Hedging & Data Science

I am a power analyst with almost a decade of experience in portfolio optimization at NRG. Some responsibilities include hedging energy, gas, ancillaries, and basis (CRRs - Congestion Revenue Rights).   In order to accomplish that I regularly extract, clean, manipulate and create visualizations of large quantities of data with SQL, Python, Excel/VBA from multiple sources including relational databases, web scraping, flat files, JSON, etc.  I've built and automated numerous quantitative models such as peak demand predictive model, energy optimization reports utilizing load duration curves, gas and power fundamentals reports, forecasts for CRR revenue and ancillary spend, mark-to-market / profit-and-loss reports, forward curve validations, and intraday pricing tools.

I have a thrist for knowledge and love new challenges. I have started many businesses in the past from designing, manufacturing, importing and selling consumer electronics covers, website design, to consumer and industrial photography services.  

I can be reached at "tim (at) runyonphotos (dot) com".

Copyright © Timothy Runyon, .